This was such a riveting read! I’m so glad you’re getting Jo’s story out there!

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Thank you, Diana!

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Sep 4Liked by Joan Fernandez

I love how you are such a champion for Jo, just like she championed Vincent. I think she would appreciate you all these many years later. In this regard, your life’s work as it is now in this stage of life will matter for many years to come as people read about Jo in Saving Vincent. How cool is that?

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Ahhh, just as your story of Mary will bless many readers to come!

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Sep 3Liked by Joan Fernandez

This is such a beautiful post, Joan. One thing any artist has, or can have, whether they be a musician, painter, writer, dancer, etc., is legacy. We make things, and those things can last longer than we can, if we've found a way to share them with the world - or someone else helps that occur. I think of Anne Frank's father, who was given her diary by one of the woman who'd help hide the Frank family and found and kept the young girl's diary after the Gestapo had taken them all away. Goosebumps. When someone has a talent, or a gift, it's crucial to share that gift I think. Hence the idea of the word "gift" meaning both "talent" and "sharing." To gift your gift, or someone else's gift, with the world, is a beautiful thing. Your writing all these years about writing about Jo has been a wonderful journey, and I can't wait to read the book! Thank you for sharing Jo's gift as well as your own!

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I love your thoughts here, Ashley, and you are such an inspiration in freely sharing your gifts of song and now poetry and essays in your Briefly Substack. Thank you for this lovely response!

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Great post, Joan—and love the tie-in and teaser to the forthcoming book, which I'm excited to see launched into the world!

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Me too! Me too! Thank you, Brooke. :)

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I’m loving your background information on Jo. Her story could be any woman’s tale of hard work and devotion which goes untold. But you’re telling it, so we can all know. Can’t wait to read your book!!

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Love this Patty. We authors toil behind the scenes and I've gained encouragement by Jo. Can't wait to read yours and to hear your lovely Southern voice shine through the words!

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I really appreciate your questions at the beginning if we are making the right choices now for the impact we want to have. All we need can do is try our best. Thanks for sharing more about Jo. She clearly made a difference!

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I'm singing to the choir when it comes to you, Jenn. Or more like you're a conductor!

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Awe - I so appreciate you!

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I do love this way of thinking about Jo's story. You can just feel her growing and learning and becoming a person who does something exceptional. And your piece does make me think about the relationships that have helped shape my life. We put so much emphasis on credentials and too little on learning from the world share with others..

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