Jul 9Liked by Joan Fernandez

Thank you for sharing your publishing journey. Knowing someone else is experiencing similar things is inspiring. I'm so excited for your debut to arrive in the world!

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Thank you!

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Aug 7Liked by Joan Fernandez

Awesome, awesome! I sent this one to my daughter who has two young kids and is sometimes overwhelmed. I smiled at what you described. I was still trying to iron my husband’s shirts, at 5:00 am with a new baby upstairs. I finally gave in. But as a fellow perfectionist, I could easily relate to everything you said. The advice you give is excellent. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do all those marketing techniques as well as you do, but you are a role model for me to follow!

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Thank you Lise! We all get ideas from so many people. I just love that there's no single "right" way but ideas to try. LOL on ironing at 5am. I've been there!

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Aug 8Liked by Joan Fernandez

After I read this post, my poem about being overwhelmed at exactly that time, 1988, was finally accepted for publication! Dozens of rejections over all these years, but maybe the editor is a young mother, too. I remember asking my grandmother how she had coped, with 5 kids, living on the prairie, no mod conveniences. She said, “It’s harder for you, dear. You have so many expectations of yourself. We just survived from day to day.” Isn’t that astounding for a woman of 82, with very little education or world experience? She was a wise woman, who could understand my feelings. She didn’t say, “You think you have it tough?” She taught me so much. I’ve tried to bring that compassion to my relationships with young people.

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So lovely Lise!

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Jul 10Liked by Joan Fernandez

Such great insights, as always. I can relate all to well to the feeling spread too thin. But I guess that's better than feeling like I have nothing better to do. I like how you framed the author's "critical few." You are spot on!

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Thank you, Nancy!

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How absolutely fabulous! Celebrate that 2%! Without it, persevering with the other 98 is a lot harder. And it strikes me that your story mirrors Jo's in your quest to make her known to a greater public. And like her, you're not going to quit until you do!

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Onward and upward! Little by little. We writers live these words, don't we? Thank you for your thoughts!

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I am with you on all the second guessing and occasional tears of joy. What a journey!!! Exciting. Humbling. And plodding. We will get there together!! : ))

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So grateful for you and our cohort! It makes a difference to not be on this journey alone :)

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What a joy to see your cover and to pre-order your book. I can't wait to read it!

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Surreal right??? Thank you Mary!

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Great newsletter Joan. so exciting to see it on S&S--It's real! And when you describe the 98/2 rule, it makes me think of how I can't stop myself from revising the first chapter when there are millions of other parts to pay attention to.

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LOL - so true! It's funny that as I went through the proofreader comments toward the end of the book, I'd come across passages where I thought, "What was I thinking?" Totally bypassing good moments toward the end because I poured so much into the beginning. Here's to learning as we go!

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Congrats -- and what a great trip through the ups and downs of publishing! As I was reading, I just kept thinking "yep" and "me too."

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Hoping for smooth sailing at SOME POINT - lol! Thank you.

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