Aug 25Liked by Joan Fernandez

Quite the summary... wow, what a life Vincent VG lived!

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Thank you, Nancy!

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Aug 21Liked by Joan Fernandez

Beautiful, Joan. I have read a lot about Vincent, and watched several documentaries on Perspectives in Art, but I learned even more from this detailed description of Vincent's life. The story is so heart-wrenching and hard to believe, given the outcome at the end. When you visit the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, all of this pain just doesn't come through, at least to me. All I saw was beauty, vibrancy, colour pulsating like bees must see it, the stars not cold and distant, but warm, right there lighting up the café. Perhaps his madness made him see things more clearly, more intensely than others. With the fresh eyes of a child. I just finished reading Adam Grant's "Hidden Potential," and have been thinking a lot about how our systems and biases lock people into roles that don't suit them, and their potential for other achievements dies. Thank goodness Theo could see that his brother had talent. No one else could. It just takes one, as they say about the influence of teachers on students. If one teacher points out to a child that they are worthy, the child will be uplifted. I know that because it happened to me. As a teacher, I always tried to find that spark in my students and bring it into the light. Bravo to YOU for telling this largely unknown story of how Jo rescued Vincent's works for the world. Otherwise that potential would have been hidden for all time.

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I love that you had that experience with a teacher and then you became one too! Teachers are our unsung heroes. You're right. It's just takes one person, and why not be that one? Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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What a remarkable retelling of this man's life -- and what a good reminder to all of us to think beyond the standard trappings of success. I love the way you tie Vincent, Theo, and Jo together at the end. Without all three of them, we wouldn't have Van Gogh's glorious gift to us. It could easily have slipped away.

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Really makes me think of the invisible batons we pass between us and others. In the end I wonder if everything isn't a group effort. :)

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Such a sad story, but Joan, you're right we are all connected. My book club is reading 'The Authenticity Project" and I think it's going to tie in nicely with this. We all judge the outside before we know the inside of a person. Thanks for sharing Vincent's story with us @Digging in with Joan Fernandez.

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Your book club's pick has a great title. Really in keeping with today's times. You'll have to let me know if you recommend it. Thank you for the comment!

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