Here’s What We’re Digging In(to)

“Digging In” comes to you from under the wide tent of bringing to light brilliant women’s courageous deeds.

It’s important to me for two reasons. First, I feel as though there are too many stories still untold. Sisterhood stories. In the present and the past. Momentous and miniscule. Courageous in the day-to-day and sometimes on a world scale.

Second, I’d like to gently prod beneath the surface of topics by “digging in” a bit. Each week the posts are fresh, originating from others’ lives and my own. For me, an ongoing book project is my current impetus of life lessons. Because isn’t it true that whatever we have on our life plates is an invitation for us to grow.

Why do this now?

Frankly, I’m done with the pressure to stay silent. There’s so much about today designed to suppress one’s voice. Get in line. Follow the rhetoric. So easy to succumb and believe the lie that my—and your— words and thoughts don’t matter.

“Digging In” is a little weekly step of rebellion.

My goal is to add to the groundswell of connection and candid conversation on this platform with you. Listen to your thoughts. Give back by sharing the riches I find here. A thoughtful, fun, creative community is gathering. That’s you! I want to join in.

Our voices matter; our stories matter. We can turn to each other.

About Me

I’m a former senior marketing executive and general partner of the financial powerhouse Edward Jones. My 30+ year professional career began in corporate communications and ultimately led to market research. Since retiring I’ve become an author, joining a fantastic writer community, Women’s Fiction Writers Association, early on. In April 2020, I founded a Historical Fiction affinity group within WFWA that’s grown from a handful of people to well over one hundred authors. I enjoy public speaking. My most recent talk, “How to Portray the Past Truthfully without Harm,” was given at the Tenth Anniversary WFWA Conference in September 2024.

My Cuban husband and I live in St. Louis most of the year, but also hang out in Sedona, Arizona, to be near rambunctious grandkids. I’ll publish a short story in the anthology Feisty Deeds: Historical Fictions of Daring Women this spring. My debut novel will be published in April 2025.

How did I become a storyteller of women’s courageous deeds?

The seeds were planted in my former corporate life. Back in the day when I was a senior marketing executive, I managed brilliant teams that researched discrete groups of people. We dug into why Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials carry different worldviews. What differing values between women and men transfer into distinct decision-making styles. And how the history of one’s racial group lives on and affects the present. Throughout these studies, identifying the historical events that shaped group identities, and learning to see the world through others’ perspectives, was eye-popping.

I realized that there is so much more beyond the official historical record. So often, it simply regurgitates the status quo for that time, leaving out and even erasing voices outside the dominant group. Among these are stories of brave women’s actions.

I want to take a turn at bringing these courageous women’s deeds to light.

Subscribe to Digging in with Joan Fernandez

I am a novelist who brings to light brilliant women’s courageous deeds in history. I love historical fiction, blogging about smart women who beat the odds, and publishing book reviews about amazing books from female authors you might have missed. Dig in!


I am a novelist who brings to light brilliant women’s courageous deeds in history.